On 4th May 1995, Dimitris Sgouros was specially invited to perform at a gala concert organized for the benefit of the World Scout Foundation. The venue was St James's Palace, London - the official seat of the Monarchy in Great Britain. In attendance were Their Majesties the King and Queen of Sweden, Constantine II (former King of Greece), HRH the Duke of Kent, and more than 300 supporters of the World Scout Foundation. For this very special occasion, Sgouros chose to play Chopin's 24 Preludes.


Listen to excerpts from the St James's Palace recital: 

notes.gif (299 bytes) Chopin Preludes Nos 1-4  lofi.gif (90 bytes) Lo Fi Play  hifi.gif (134 bytes) Hi Fi Play  (Offline)



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St James's Palace, London


Throne Room










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Queen Elizabeth II's Royal Throne


The King of Sweden shakes hands with Marianthi Sgouros


Dimitris Sgouros takes a bow








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Dimitris Sgouros plays to a rapt audience


Distinguished guests assemble for dinner


Dimitris Sgouros with the Queen and King of Sweden









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Dimitris Sgouros with Joan Collins












With His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent




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World Scout Foundation
Gala Concert and Dinner
St. James's Palace, London
Thursday, 4th May 1995
in the presence of
His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden
His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent

Mr and Mrs Sgouros


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In the presence of
His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden,
Honorary President of the World Scout Foundation
His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent
President of The Scout Association

Gala Concert and Dinner
St. James's Palace, London
Thursday, 4th May 1995

for the benefit of the World Scout Foundation





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18.45   Reception  :   Queen Anne Room
19.30   Concert  :   Picture Gallery

* * *

Concert Programme

Dimitris Sgouros - Piano
Frederick Chopin 24 Preludes Opus 28

Edward C. Joullian, III
Chairman of the World Scout Foundation

Scout Performance

His Majesty The King of Sweden
Honorary President of the World Scout Foundation

* * *

20.45   Dinner  :   Queen Anne Room
                               Entrée Room
                                         Throne Room


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xxxxxxx xxxxxxx
xxxxxxx Stockholm

Mr Dimitris Sgouros
28, Tompazi Str.
185 37 Piraeus Grekland

Dear Mr Sgouros,

I have been asked by His Majesty the King to thank you for your letter of May 19 and for your offer to perform in Stockholm at any future occasion and time.

Their Majesties have enjoyed your performance in London and taken note of your kind offer.

Yours sincerely,

Hans V Ewerlöf
First Marshal of the Court



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